4 Tips to Stay on Track for Your Summer Fitness

4 Tips to Stay on Track for Your Summer Fitness

So, you've started thinking about your summer look, and you want to shed a few pounds that you've collected. If you are like me, you've waited to get started, and summer is coming on quickly. Time is of the essence and every second counts.

In this blog, we’ll look at 4 ways to help you stay on track and be beach body ready by summer.


This is by far the most important tip. I journal year round, but I find that really focusing in on the importance of journaling helps when I have a goal in mind whether it is an upcoming race, working to set a PR, or getting ready to get out in the sun in the best you possible. Journaling can take a lot of forms. You may want to track your weight or bodyfat percentage, or you may want to focus on your diet and the foods you are eating - always with being a healthier you in mind.

I don't like to focus as much on my weight as on the look that I want to achieve. I've lived through getting on the scale every morning and feeling discouraged that my weight isn't dropping even though I'm putting in the miles and working on my strength. But, that is just me, and everyone is different. Set a goal that works for you.

Whatever your goal, you will want to keep a written record of your work and your progress towards that goal. It is important to make journaling a part of every day even on those that you don't work out. Friday is always my "cheat" day. I take a break from running and enjoy time out with friends. However, I still journal. I may write that I had a great delicious bottle of wine or that the dessert I had was amazing. Including these moments keeps you journaling real and reminds you that there are rewards to your hard work.


I always include a sentence or two about how I felt. This often helps me see patterns. For example, I might always be tired on Tuesdays because my workday seems a little longer. Patterns can help you adjust your training so you reach your goal in time for the summer sun.

Accountability Partner

An accountability partner is fantastic for motivation. Having someone call or text you daily to ask if you’ve exercised or stuck to your diet will force you to stay on track. 

It’s great if your accountability partner is also your training partner. Not in the mood to go to the gym? Guess what? Your training partner is waiting for you. Now you’ve no choice but to go so that you don’t let him/her down.

The right accountability partner can be very helpful to achieving success in your summer fitness journey.

I am the only runner in my friend group, but they are great about supporting my goals and helping me stay on track. They are also a great cheer group at my finish lines. I say that because there are many kinds of accountability partners. It is also just fine to be accountable to yourself. Some goals may be private and not ones you want to share. That's perfectly okay.

Vision Board

A vision board is just a cork board or white board that you use to attach pictures or notes of the goal you wish to achieve.

Planning on taking a trip to a beach? Pin up a photo of the beach.

Planning on running a marathon? Pin a picture of your favorite runner. Mine is always Des Linden. Talk about determined! 

If the idea of a whiteboard or corkboard doesn't work for you, try changing the screen on your phone. Seeing the beach everyday can be a positive and quick reminder that you have a goal and to keep at it.

Asking the Right Questions

Every single time you’re about to take an action related to your fitness journey, always ask yourself if it will help or hurt you. This is a type of accountability that makes you live life actively instead of being a passive victim to your habits.

Want to skip a workout? – Will it help or hurt you? The answer isn't the point. It is holding yourself accountable. If you are tired and feeling under the weather, the workout may not be one that helps you meet your goal because you aren't able to give it your best. If I have a headache, I always exercise because it helps me relax. So, the answer may be different for different people. The point is the accountability and knowing that you are making the right decision for you.

Use questioning to hold yourself accountable.

Summing it Up

To conclude, the 4 tips I've included in this blog are ones that work for me and help keep me on track. Consider giving them a try.
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